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Monday, March 31, 2008
Features of Zoom Lenses
By: Yuni Riyanti
If you are a photographer or just someone that loves taking pictures using your camera, specifically the single-lens reflex (SLR) camera, you must know what zooms are for. Zoom lenses are added to your basic camera unit to be able to focus on a subject correctly. It is similar to filters that you also add on your camera for specific special effects.
If you are a photographer or just someone that loves taking pictures using your camera, specifically the single-lens reflex (SLR) camera, you must know what zooms are for. Zoom lenses are added to your basic camera unit to be able to focus on a subject correctly. It is similar to filters that you also add on your camera for specific special effects.
During the past, you would see a photographer carrying his huge camera case which contained about half a dozen different lenses. Each of these lenses has a fixed focal length and can only be used for a certain type of focus shot. If the photographer wants to take a shot on something from a different angle, he would need to change lenses. That takes a lot of time and possible loss of the good view for the shot.
Having all these lenses and carrying them every time you have a shoot can be a big burden, not to mention, expensive. Thanks to our ever improving technology, zoom lenses were introduced. With zoom lenses, you can have a single lens that covers the same range that three or more fixed focal length lenses. This definitely lets the photographer change angle or focus instantaneously as compared to the old lenses.
Mid-range zoom lenses are versatile since they can cover normal, wide-angle and telephoto focal lengths with just a single lens. Telephoto zoom lenses are great for portraits, scenic, travel, candid and sports photos. Long zooms are useful for wildlife and sports photography.
Features of Zoom Lenses
Here are just some of the features of most zoom lenses available:
1. Macro focusing. This feature allows the lens to focus at a close range. To determine how close a lens is able to focus, a reproduction ratio is specified in the lens. A 1:4 reproduction ratio means that a lens can focus an object such that if the diameter of the object is 4 inches, it will measure just 1 inch in the picture itself.
2. One-touch zoom control. Most of the zoom lenses have just a single ring that controls the focus and zoom at the same time.
3. Lens aperture. There are zoom lenses that have only one maximum aperture, while others have two, for example f2.8-4.0. The f-number changes as the zoom changes.
Tips in buying zoom lenses
If you are planning to buy a zoom lens, the first thing you have to consider is the focal length range. For you to know what correct focal length range to buy, you must identify your purpose for the lens. If you think you will use it mostly for travel and vacations, a mid-range zoom would suffice. However, if you are planning to use it for sports and portraits, a telephoto zoom is a better choice.
The size and weight of the lens is also a consideration. In general, a bigger and heavier lens is usually faster. One that has wide zooming range can also be larger.
Lens speed is important if you are intending to use the lens for indoor photography. A faster lens allows more light which makes it easier to shoot in subdued lighting.
If you are using a lot of filters, it is best to consider the size of the zoom so it can accommodate as much filter. If you want close-up photos, you must also consider the specifications of the camera with regard to macro focusing. If you are after flexibility, it is best to have a zoom with continuous macro focusing than a limited one.
Of course, just like any other product, price is also a consideration. The better the features of the zoom lens, the more expensive they will be.
Zoom lenses are really a good investment if you are thinking of making photography a business. Even if you don’t, and you are just someone who loves taking pictures, having zoom lenses is still a good choice. You can take great shots at different angles and distances.
So if you are thinking of getting one, decide first on how you intend to use the lens so you can make the right choice. As you become more and more into this hobby or profession, then you can buy different types of zooms. Carrying just one or two zoom lenses is not a bad idea.
The Things That You Have To Consider When Buying A Camera
Photography is a much loved hobby around the world. Many people would want to get their hands on a camera and start shooting away, or get some supplies to be able to build their own darkrooms and develop the films themselves.
Photography is a fulfilling hobby, however, there are many equipments out there which can be sources of confusion especially for beginners. The mere number of equipments can stir up one’s head.
What better way to guide a photography student than to give tips on how to buy a camera, which is of course, the most basic equipment in photography. This article tries to give some basic tips regarding the things that you have to consider when buying a camera.
1. What do I need? If you want to buy a camera, you must first ask yourself- “what am I going to use it for?” there are many different kinds of cameras out there and they are used for different purposes. What we would recommend, especially for beginners, is to get a good, sturdy point-and-shoot camera. These cameras are very handy and can be used in any occasion.
Well, the most intriguing pictures are the ones which capture unique events from unique angles. You may not be able to bring a more intricate piece of equipment when exciting things happen, but a point-and-shoot camera is always carried by photographers. There also are many other features that you might want to look at or avoid in choosing cameras such as stands and shutter features.
2. Research A photography enthusiast needs to be able to know about what he wants to do when taking pictures. Reading different materials such as photography magazines (example: Apogee Photo or Popular Photography” can give you updated and fresh information about photography in general and photography equipments.
3. Know your budget Getting the best pictures doesn’t mean that you have to buy the latest and the most expensive model on the market. It all depends on who is taking the photograph and the equipment is just a tool. More features mean more expenses. A buyer must be able to assess what features he needs to be able to get comfortable with a camera. It’s really a waste of money if you buy a top-of-the-line camera and don't know how to use half of its features.
These are just some basic tips on how you can start assessing what camera to buy. You must look into the details of a certain camera and assess the features and prices.
Traveling is one of life's greatest pleasures. Capturing those precious and exciting moments is even more pleasurable, especially if it's a once-in-a-lifetime trip. For the photo enthusiast, taking pictures of everything in sight is as important as going to these places.
So how can you exercise good travel photography? Here are some tips:
1. Choosing the right variety of camera Purchasing the perfect camera can be as hard as deciding where to go on a vacation. A primary consideration for travel photography is whether to get a single lens reflex camera or a SLR, or a point-and-shoot type. They each have their own benefits and disadvantages.
In SLR, lenses can be interchanged. A photographer can view exactly what the lens is seeing because of its reflex viewing system. Point-and-shoot, meanwhile, have viewfinders that adjust the view of the image automatically. They are easier to use than the SLR, but its viewing range is a bit limited.
2. Selecting the right kind of film The dilemma in choosing the right kind of film can be solved by determining the output desired and the traveling conditions in which the pictures will be taken. You need to choose between a color negative or a color side if you want to take colored pictures. The benefit of using a color negative is that it tends to be forgiving of corrections in color or errors of exposure. Professional photographers, however, go for slide films because almost all commercial reproducing is produced from transparencies.
3. Researching for the trip Knowing the right information about the place your visiting is as important as shooting the pictures. Planning the trip in detail enables the photographer to improve on the quality and quantity of opportunities where he can take great pictures. It is essential to read before a trip. Browse through materials such as travel guides, magazines, maps and newspapers. Also, try to talk to someone who has actually been their. The information that they can give will be very valuable.
4. The right way in creating a travel journal The pictures taken during a trip should tell a story, and should not be just a jumble of random pictures. It should chronicle the trip from start to finish. It is important to track the dates that the pictures were taken.
One should not turn down the experience of travel, just the same, as one should not forget to capture precious images from that trip. Perfect planning and having a keen eye for a good image can be the key to achieving everything.
Saya baru saja memeriksa ujian mahasiswa saya. Ketika akan menyerahkan nilai akhir Mereka, saya terpaksa menoleh kepada berita acara ujian yang mencantumkan nama beserta tanda tangan mereka masing-masing. Astaga. Tak ada satu pun nama yang dapat saya kenali dari tanda tangannya. Hal ini mengingatkan saya pada peristiwa unik yang saya alami hampir tujuh tahun silam ketika baru saja memulai program doktoral saya di Amerika Serikat.
Baru tiba beberapa hari, adviser saya menyuruh saya membuka bank account di bank mana saja di kota itu. Saya pun menurutinya. Maklum, tanpa punya buku cek, hidup di Amerika akan terasa sulit. Hampir semua transaksi dilakukan melalui pos. Bayar listrik, telepon, air,tagihan kartu kredit, beli buku, bayar pajak, kena tiket lalu lintas (tilang), sampai bayar uang sekolah. Semuanya menggunakan cek. Tanpa cek, hidup di Amerika kok rasanya susah sekali.
Setelah punya bank account dan mulai berbelanja dengan menggunakan cek, ternyata saya pun mengalami kesulitan. Pasalnya, petugas bank memanggil saya karena mengalami kesulitan membaca tanda tangan saya. Saya mencoba menjelaskannya bahwa itu benar tanda tangan milik saya, dan saya melakukannya kembali di depan petugas itu. Petugas tetap menolak dan mengatakan itu bukan tanda tangan. Kalau bukan tanda tangan lantas apa?
"Itu urek-urek!"ujarnya sambil tersenyum. Sejak itu saya pun mulai berlatih membuat tanda tangan baru, yaitu tanda tangan yang namanya mudah teridentifikasi. Maka, sejak saat itu saya mulai terbiasa memiliki dua jenis tanda tangan. Saya menyebutnya satu tanda tangan lokal (yang dikatakan urek-urek tadi) dan satu lagi tanda tangan Amerika. Kalau anda pernah hadir dalam seminar saya dan meminta saya menandatangani buku saya yang Anda baru beli, Anda pasti ingat bahwa saya selalu mengatakan itu adalah tanda tangan Amerika: mudah dibaca dan diidentifikasi. Ada juga pembaca yang minta dua-duanya, dan ada kalanya saya pun meluluskannya. Tanda tangan lokal itu biasanya hanya saya gunakan untuk urusan bank Dan menandatangani transkrip nilai mahasiswa.
Dalam salah satu seminar saya pernah meminta agar para peserta menggoreskan tanda tangannya di atas kertas dan meminta rekan di sebelahnya yang baru dikenalnya mengenali nama mereka. Ternyata tak banyak di antara mereka yang dapat mengenali nama orang dari tanda tangannya. Ketika ditanya mengapa mereka membuat tanda tangan seruwet itu, semuanya menjawab bak koor: "Biar tidak mudah ditiru orang lain." Mengapa kita semua melakukan hal yang sama? Mudah ditebak jawabnya.
Sejak kecil Kita telah diajari orang-orang tua dan guru-guru Kita agar tidak mudah percaya pada orang lain. "Buatlah tanda tangan yang tidak mudah ditiru agar jangan sampai dipalsukan orang lain." Kita menurutinya, dan tanpa kita sadari roh-roh ketidakpercayaan ini sudah melekat dalam pikiran kita. "Trust," kata Francis Fukuyama, adalah "the social virtues and the creation of prosperity." Rasa percaya adalah suatu ikatan sosial yang penting untuk menciptakankemakmuran. Kalau tidak ada rasa percaya, mestinya tidak ada bisnis. Bagaimana mungkin kita berbinsis dengan orang yang tidak Kita percaya? Rasa percaya itu pula yang akan menentukan bangunan organisasi perusahaan saudara. Makin rendah rasa percaya kita terhadap orang lain, makin banyak pula kita melibatkan sanak saudara kita, teman sealmamater, sesuku dan sebagainya terlibat dalam bisnis kita. Kita makin menutup pintu bagi orang lain. Dan akibatnya potensi kita untuk menjadi besar akan terhambat.
Pengalaman lainnya yang saya dapatkan di Amerika barangkali dapat menjelaskan betapa berbedanya tingkat rasa percaya. Menjelang pulang ke tanah air, setelah menyelesaikan program studi, saya pun melakukan moving sale melego barang-barang yang nilai bukunya masih cukup tinggi. Misalnya saja Ada sebuah dish washer (mesin pencuci piring) elektrik yang usianya baru tiga tahun Dan nilainya masih cukup tinggi namun harus dilepas dengan harga yang sangat murah. Pembelinya tentu saja masyarakat komunitas tempat tinggal kami, yang umumnya adalah keluarga muda atau para mahasiswa asing yang dari mancanegara. Kalau calon pembelinya datang dari negara-negara seperti Rusia, Yugoslavia, Ceko, Turki, Portugal, Brazil, Irak, Pakistan, India, atau negara-negara Afrika, biasanya transaksi berjalan tersendat-sendat. Mereka umumnya tidak percaya terhadap kualitas mesin (apakah masih tetap baik) dan harga yang ditawarkan. Mereka mengutak-atik mesin, menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam, mengajukan pertanyaan, lalu menawar di bawah separo dari harga yang ditawarkan. Prosesnya sama seperti Anda menawar harga sepasang sepatu di pasar Senen atau pasar lainnya di Indonesia. Dan akhirnya pun dapat diterka: tidak ada transaksi. Hal yang berbeda dialami kalau pembelinya berasal dari negara-negara yang barangkali dapat kita sebut sebagai high trust society, seperti Amerika, Inggris, Finlandia, bahkan Jepang yang rata-rata sudah lebih makmur hidupnya. Mereka cuma bertanya tiga hal: mengapa dijual, apakah ada kerusakan, dan berapa harganya. Kalau mereka suka, mereka tidak menawar, langsung angkat. Dalam kepala mereka, kalau barang ini rusak maka mereka akan kembalikan segera. Mereka percaya bahwa orang lain dapat dipercaya, dan kalau mereka menipu mereka akan ditangkap polisi, diadili, dan dijatuhi hukuman.
Pembaca, apakah implikasi melakukan kegiatan bisnis di sebuah low trust society? Mudah-mudahan Saudara sudah dapat menangkapnya: jangan langsung melakukan transaksi. Selalu mulailah dengan membangun rasa percaya dari lawan-lawan bisnis Anda. Jangan sesekali melakukan penawaran kalau lawan bisnis Anda di sini belum mengenal betul Anda. Kalau ada jalan pintas yang dapat ditawarkan, barangkali cuma satu ini: carilah jembatan melalui orang-orang yang sudah dikenal dan dipercaya oleh lawan bisnis Anda. Tanpa itu, Anda cuma melakukan upaya sia-sia. Saya merindukan, kelak anak-anak kita akan membuat tanda tangan yang namanya dapat dibaca oleh orang lain.
Planning to get your hands on a digital camera but not sure if you can make the transition from your old camera that uses film to one that utilizes a memory card? If you are afraid of things that are complicated, then don't worry. Although digital cameras may be advanced, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are not user friendly. Here are some tips that can help you in taking pictures with a digital camera.
Enhance the color tones of your picture There are times when you think that your shots have a cold or clammy aura. This is because digital cameras have default settings for white balance at auto. This is ok for most shots but if you want to increase the reds and the yellows of your shots, adjust the auto setting to cloudy. This makes your pictures appear warmer as well as richer.
Macro Mode Activating the close up mode on your camera, usually called the macro mode, will make your shots have sharper details. This is very easy to use in digital cameras unlike in the conventional ones. To use your camera's macro mode, look for the icon that depicts the macro mode or "close up". Normally, the icon is that of a flower. Go as close to the object as your camera will allow. It is important to remember that you have a rather shallow field depth, thus it is important to focus on the subject's part that you consider to be the most significant.
Invest on file storage Having a memory card that is capable of storing a large amount of picture files is important. This gives you the freedom to take more pictures. The higher the resolution of your camera which normally ranges from 2 mega pixels to up to 6 or more mega pixels, the higher the memory size of you card should be. With an ample sized memory card, you don't have to pass the opportunity to take a shot. No more worries of having a full memory card whenever that perfect shot appears.
Always use high resolution Your digital camera has many resolution settings. Always take pictures using the highest possible setting. Although higher resolution means more memory used up, it isn't a problem if you have already acquired a good sized memory card. You will never know when the best shot you'll ever take in your whole life may pop up, why take it in poor resolution?
These tips will help you with your new digital camera. Never hesitate to take as many pictures as you can! Remember you have enough memory, why worry?
There is a certain way that experienced photographers take such stunning pictures, portraits and photographs where the subject being shot is focused in a clear and perfect manner while the background is sort of a blur.
The following are the steps to take those amazing picture-perfect shots.
The technical
First things first, it is best that the camera being used has a plate for imaging that is large.Also, a lens that is considered fast should also be used.“Fast” in photography language means a lens that has an aperture that is larger than f2.8.
When the aperture of a camera is large, the image or picture that will be produced has a depth of field that is shallow.In photography language, this basically means that the area that is behind as well as front of the subject being taken is a blur.
As much as possible, the shoulder and the head of the subject should fill the whole frame.Also, if the subject is a person, don't forget to focus on the subject’s eyes.
The technique
Practice really does make perfect.There is no such thing as a perfect job done only once.It takes perseverance as well as patience.When shooting pictures, try to take a series of shots using a lens that has a wide opening and a stop on at least one or two.
Focus on various areas such as the ear, nose, hair using varying apertures for such.When the pictures come out, you then have many different options to choose from.
To be able to create a depth of field that is shallow, the best thing you should do is use a long lens – preferably a telephoto – and have it set on the zoom that at its maximum.Then, try to stand as close to the subject as possible.
However, for subjects that are in motion, for example a car.The camera must then be moved the same way the subject is moving.Or simply put, the subject must be followed.The best film to be used for such a shot are ISO 400 films.Also, don't forget to set the cameraat an ISO setting that is similarly fast.
The body of the camera, especially when taking such moving picture shots, must be steady.Make sure to focus on the subject as you see it through the lens of the viewfinder.Using such a technique ensures that the subject being focused on is clear and crisp while the background is a beautiful blur.Such a picture helps highlight the movement being done by the subject therefore making it seemingly jump from the picture.
Photo effects
Believe it or not, there is also an easy and stress free way to create a similar photo effect without doing the techniques mentioned.This has become possible through the magic of software.Photoshop has a “blur” function, which blurs the picture’s background in a uniform manner independently as well as authentically the way an actual photograph may be done by a technically-savvy photographer.The software blur is and looks artificial while the real blur is more organic in feel.
Fortunately or unfortunately, the technology of software is advancing so that there is a CS2 version of Photoshop that enables anyone to create a blur that is considered as “smart.”This function takes into consideration the picture’s depth of field.This basically means that the function applies a lot of blurring effects to the pixels that appears more distant and applies a lot less blurring to the pixels that appear nearer.Believe it or not, such a function is adjustable that anyone could achieve any effect desired.
All in all, depth of field is a fairly easy concept to understand especially to those serious in learning the art and craft of photography.All it takes is a lot of patience, perseverance and a heart that is willing to learn as well as a mind that is open to making mistakes and gradually correcting them along the way towards creating a picture perfect shot.
Photography is considered as one of the rare hobbies that you can easily learn. Some may think that there's a trick in taking great shots. However, there are certain elements that you need to consider in order enjoying the hobby of capturing wonderful pictures.
Photography is considered as one of the rare hobbies that you can easily learn. Some may think that there's a trick in taking great shots. However, there are certain elements that you need to consider in order enjoying the hobby of capturing wonderful pictures.
With the exception of video cameras, there is nothing greater than capturing precious moments in photographs. They preserve those moments you are part of. You may enjoy those memories captured with your family, friends, and events and you can even share it with them.
To enjoy this hobby, you need to first learn the skills and techniques of photography. You can undertake training in technical skills to master the art of capturing photographs. You also need to consider acquiring different materials you will need to enjoy this wonderful hobby. Here are some beginner tips for learning photography.
1. Get to know what interests you. Focus yourself on a particular topic so that you can fully understand your chosen subject. It is important to have full knowledge on the subjects you want to photograph.
2. You may invest in a self-focusing SLR with the newest features with all the whistles and bells. You may also get an automatic focus camera that can read details on every captured subject.
3. If you choose to venture into nature photography, it is important to consider the location of shots. Make sure to that sunlight will not affect any of your shots. Position yourself behind the sun so that it will be use for lighting to create clearer shots.
4. Practice taking photos in your home or in your backyard. You can capture images that are not within your subject. Sometimes you may even create great shots on unexpected and unplanned moments.
5. It is advised to take photos steadily using a tripod. You can produce great images when you use the right angles. It is very important to pay attention to the size, shape and position of the subject
6. When there is no available sunlight on the subject, you must have artificial lighting to support the brightness and color of the photograph. Although the camera has a flash, it is sometimes insufficient in supplying the needed light in creating a clear image.
These are only some guides for you to enjoy photography as a hobby. You may enjoy capturing images as long as you have the right materials and good technical skills. Many believe that beginners taking photography as a hobby can end up professional photographers.
Photography is the art of creating a special medium beyond your self-expression. It requires good taste, good sense of appreciation and technical skills in capturing the subjects. Many believe that they can profit in this chosen field as long as they develop their technical skills and knowledge in becoming a talented professional photographer.
Nature photography has always been inspiring and exciting. It thrills every photographer with its mystery and the beauty of wildlife. One of the most amusing subjects for nature photographers are the birds.
Bird behavior has had great impact on pictures. Birds attract many photographers with their mastery of flight and their distinct diversity in nature. Here are some guides that will help you focus on improving your skill in capturing images on these magnificent creatures of nature.
1. You need to know what interests your mind. You have to know your topics so that you will not be confused. You should learn more about birds by investing on a good birding guide. This will help you know more about their behavior, breeding season, and bird eating habits.
2. You should always keep your subjects well being in mind. Avoid those instances that create stress on your images. If the bird is not in its natural behavioral characteristic, you should leave the bird alone and allow the bird to recover first from its stress. It can also be a sign that the bird might be nesting eggs somewhere near the site and that is why it portrays a “predator luring” behavior.
3. You should make your vehicle as you’re just like your camera an accessory. In some areas, you may see birds more adapted to vehicles and consider your vehicle less harmless than a person positioned on his tripod trying to take a good shot. You should learn how to be patient in finding the right place where the birds can accept the presence of your vehicle.
4. You may use fast shutter speeds cameras. This device is good in taking great bird images. Most birds are fast and can disappear quickly in the air. You may need a 1/500 second shuttering speed. This can capture sudden movements and flights.
As a nature photographer, you should maximize your surroundings. A good place for you to start your hobby in nature photography especially with birds is in your own backyard. You can then practice the art and techniques of capturing great shots and wonderful images that nature has to offer.